Kodeks dla







Corporate integrity, protection of the environment, responsible sourcing, and the safety and well-being of workers across the global supply chain are of paramount importance to TIER Mobility SE (“Dott”, “we”, “us”, “our”) and its affiliates.  We expect our suppliers and their employees, agents and contractors (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) to adopt the principles reflected in this Code of Conduct (“Code”).


Application of the Code 

Suppliers must adhere to this Code at all times in relation to their facilities and operations, including manufacturing, distribution, packaging,  sales, marketing, product safety and certification, intellectual property, labour,  immigration, health, worker safety, and the environment. 

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring compliance with this Code by all of its suppliers, vendors, agents, and subcontractors (both direct and indirect). 

Where this Code requires the Supplier to meet a higher standard than set out by law or regulation, the Supplier shall meet such higher standards.  Any failure to comply with the Code may result in the termination of your agreement with us. 

We may revise this Code from time to time. 

A. Fair labour practices  

We are committed to upholding the human rights of workers, and treating them with dignity and respect as stated in the United Nations’  Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN  Guiding Principles on Business and Human  Rights, the Ten Principles of the UN Global  Compact and the Principles of the International  Labour Organisation. This applies to all workers including temporary, migrant, student, contract,  direct employees, and any other type of worker.  

  • Suppliers shall not use forced, bonded or indentured labour, involuntary or exploitative prison labour, slavery or trafficking of persons.  
  • Suppliers may not use child labour in any stage of manufacturing.  
  • Suppliers must comply with all local labour laws in the countries where they operate,  including those relating to minimum wages,  overtime hours and legally mandated benefits.  
  • Suppliers must maintain a healthy and safe workplace which is free from harassment and unlawful discrimination including discrimination based on race, colour, age,  gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin,  disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, protected genetic information or marital status.
  • Employees should be treated respectfully and never subjected to harsh or inhumane treatment.  

B. Health and safety  

Suppliers must recognise the importance of maintaining a safe work environment for their workers to minimise work-related injury and illness. Suppliers must integrate the  following health and safety standards: 

  • Suppliers must identify potential safety hazards for workers and introduce controls and preventive measures to protect workers against these hazards. This includes providing workers with appropriate personal protective equipment, warning notices and training and implementing systems to prevent and track any work-related injury and illness. Training should, at a minimum, cover mechanical,  electrical, chemical, fire, and physical hazards.  
  • Suppliers must ensure that workers have access to clean toilet facilities,  potable water and sanitary food preparation,  storage, and eating facilities. 

C. Environment 

We recognize that environmental responsibility is integral to producing world-class products. In manufacturing operations,  adverse effects on the community, environment and natural resources must be minimized while safeguarding the health and safety of the public. Suppliers must:  

  • possess all required environmental permits to operate its business.  
  • Minimise their use of natural resources and seek to eliminate all waste generation, emissions and discharges of pollutants.  
  • Implement systems for disposal, reduction and recycling of non-hazardous solid waste and ensure compliance with all local laws about its use, labelling, handling and disposal of materials. 
  • Identify, properly label and manage all materials posing a hazard to humans or the environment in a manner which is compliant with all applicable laws about their use,  labelling, handling, movement, storage, use,  recycling or reuse and disposal. 
  • As suppliers to the Company, they must ensure compliance with all EU regulations and standards in respect of any goods supplied to TIER Mobility SE including but not limited to: CEN  Standards and Type-Approval, the Machinery  Directive, the Low Voltage Directive, RoHS, the  Battery Directive, the General Product Safety  Directive, WEEE and REACH. 

D. Ethics and compliance 

We uphold the highest standards of ethics in all our business dealings and we expect the same from our Suppliers, including:  

  • Suppliers must uphold the highest standards of integrity in all business interactions.  
  • Suppliers must comply with all applicable local and international laws, rules and regulations.  
  • Suppliers must have a zero-tolerance policy to prohibit any forms of bribery,  corruption, extortion and embezzlement.  Bribes or other means of obtaining undue or improper advantage are not to be promised,  offered, authorized, given or accepted.  This prohibition covers promising, offering,  authorizing, giving or accepting anything of value, either directly or indirectly through a third party, to obtain or retain business, direct business to any person,  or otherwise gain an improper advantage.  Suppliers must implement monitoring and enforcement procedures to ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws. 
  • Suppliers must ensure transparency in all their business dealings and accurately record their dealings in their business books and records. 
  • Suppliers must respect intellectual property rights and ensure any intellectual property is transferred in a manner which protects and safeguards both customer and Supplier information.  
  • Suppliers must ensure compliance with competition laws, including never engaging in price fixing, bid rigging, customer or market allocation. 
  • Suppliers must act in Dott’s best interests and avoid conduct which may be perceived as creating a conflict between its interests and those of TIER Mobility SE and its affiliates. 
  • Suppliers should implement programs that ensure the confidentiality, anonymity and protection of whistleblowers as well as adopt and communicate a zero-retaliation policy.
  • Suppliers must comply with all privacy laws where they do business and commit to protecting reasonable privacy expectations of everyone they do business with, including suppliers, customers,  consumers and employees.  

E. Controls and processes  

Suppliers must adopt or establish internal controls and processes to ensure compliance with this  Code. The internal controls and processes should be documented, monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure continuous improvement.  

F. Reporting suspected  violations of this Code 

Suppliers may report suspected or actual violations of this Code to the Director of Risk and Compliance at TIER Mobility SE by post or email: 

  • TIER Mobility SE – c/o Techspace, Lobeckstr. 36-40, 10969 Berlin
  • Compliance@ridedott.com

All reports are handled on a confidential basis without disclosure unless required by law. 

G. Audit and  termination rights 

Supplier acknowledges that this Code sets out audit standards that TIER Mobility SE may use to  determine whether Supplier is meeting the requirements set out in this Code from time to time. Supplier acknowledges that we may in our discretion conduct inspections of the Supplier’s facilities and records to confirm Supplier’s compliance with this Code. 

We may immediately terminate its business relationship (including any purchase order(s)  and purchase contracts) with the Supplier if the Supplier fails to comply with this Code.