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Four young people ride Dotts in a line on a city street. The image has playful, colourful doodles to suggest a seaside vibe, such as surfboards under the e-scooters, waves on the road and flowers in the helmets.
Devenez un Dott Surfer, parrainez vos amis et tentez de gagner 1000€
A header image of a woman riding a blue Dott e-bike. The sun reflects on the sidewalk. The background is blurred to indicate movement, and there are white illustrations of a cityscape in the background
Il est enfin arrivé : découvrez le vélo électrique Dott !
An image of a person fixing a Dott e-scooter battery.
Des batteries réparables pour alimenter nos véhicules électriques et notre vision durable
An image of a man working on a laptop in the Dott warehouse, with an illustration of a rocket encircled by the text ‘Ride Your Future’.
Créer des équipes solides grâce à la formation Ride Your Future
A group of three people laughing and putting their helmets on to get ready to ride Dott e-scooters.
Un coup de pouce pour nos communautés
Two women standing at Dott scooters in a sunny European street getting ready to put their helmets on.
Nous participons à l’initiative la plus importante au monde en matière de développement durable

C'est parti !

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