Dott Surfers wave hello to exclusive benefits & cash prizes

Four young people ride Dotts in a line on a city street. The image has playful, colourful doodles to suggest a seaside vibe, such as surfboards under the e-scooters, waves on the road and flowers in the helmets.

2 years ago

The Dott Surfer community pioneers positive and sustainable change in their cities. By referring friends, family, neighbors and more, you breathe fresh air into how your community travels – all while earning free rides and a chance to win exclusive prizes of up to €1000!

A young woman stands on a Dott and checks her phone in her right hand while she holds the scooter steady with her left hand. The evening sunlight reflects golden on her blonde hair.

Join in – you don’t even need a surfboard

We’d love to have you on board our brand-new Dott Surfers crew. By joining, you refer riders to surf your way up from “Rookie” to “All-star”, where you can get 200x free 20 minute rides and a chance to win €1000 – plus many other goodies along the way!

To take that first step towards the sea, you’ll need to get the Dott app if you haven’t already. Surfers can’t teach their friends to ride without knowing how, after all – so get out there and enjoy your first ride with the wind in your tail.

After that, just sign up through this online form, accept the terms and conditions and get your game on! You’ll receive a confirmation email from us with all the details to start sharing the love right away. Prize winners will be announced on July 1, 2021*.

Explore below to find out exactly how it all works and what prizes you can score along the waves.

Gather your people

To get going, open the Dott app and tap “Get free rides” to begin referring friends with your unique code. If you share your code with people who don’t already have the Dott app, they’ll be taken to the App store where they can download, sign up, add your code and start riding. If your friend already has the Dott app but hasn’t yet taken a ride, they can just add your code right in the app. The best thing about sharing is that the person you’re referring also gets 2x free 20 minute rides. Rad, huh?

As soon as your referred friends take their first rides, you’ll start collecting credit and free rides in your Dott app. The more friends you refer and the more they ride, the more help you receive to surf your way to the top – check out how it goes below.

An illustration of the 5 levels in the Dott Surfers program, with numbers showing how many referrals you need to reach each level.

Two men take a selfie together on Dotts on a cobblestone city street.  One man holds the phone with his arm outstretched as the other casually rests his foot on the scooter.

Hey now, you’re an All-star

Once you’ve referred your first rider and they’ve taken their first ride, you’ll
unlock your first perk of 2x free 20 minute rides as a Rookie – and that’s
always including unlocks, too. Each new rider you refer who takes their first
ride using your code will earn you 2x free 20 minute rides, so keep going! By
referring just 5 new riders who use your code, for example, you’ll already earn
over 3 hours of free rides for yourself.

As soon as you reach Pro status and above, you’ll get ride credit, too. This is
added directly into your Dott wallet so you can ride to your heart’s desire.
Prize winning Champions will enjoy Dott swag packs as well, and lucky Legends
get to relax and explore with city experiences. These could include a free
overnight hotel stay, dinner for two at a fancy restaurant, or a food or
cultural tour – with customized packages depending where you live. One thing is
for sure: whatever the experience, it’ll always be one to remember.

A young man rides a Dott along a city street. He wears a helmet. The cars in the background are blurry, implying he is in motion.

Surfing that momentum

We’re aware that getting to Legend status requires a little extra surf wax to get to with a target of 50 new riders, so we’ll be sending you tips to give
things a boost. Once you wave hello to 50, you’re officially a Legend – and you’ll be hanging ten with €150 ride credit, 100x free 20 minute rides and a
chance to win a city experience.

If you make it to the peak with 100 new riders referred, you might be able to book that holiday you’ve been dreaming of since March 2020 and bask in the glory of the All-Star title. Enjoy the incredibly well-earned reward of €1000 cash and 200x free 20 minute rides!

Vier glimlachende mensen op Dott-steps die helmen dragen en in de richting van de camera op een kruising rechtsaf slaan. Op de achtergrond staat een Dott-step geparkeerd voor een Franse tabakswinkel met graffiti.

Ride the waves to success

If you’ve referred 8 people (so close to that Champion level!) for example, and you’ve run out of ideas on how to widen your circle, we’ve got you! We’ll be sending out inspirational emails to prevent you from getting into a referral rut. These will spark ideas on how to include more people around you and grow your crew.

Keep at it – you’ll soon have your friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, coworkers and twice removed cousins part of the ever-growing Dott community. Even referring 10 new riders gives you a lot to celebrate!

Sign up with this online form, accept the terms and surf those peaks. Any questions along the way? Reach out to us at for more support. And remember, prize winners will be announced on July 1, 2021*. Surf’s up!

*Terms & Conditions apply. Valid from the date you are confirmed as a Dott Surfer until the program ends 15/06/2021 in France and Belgium. Promo codes expire 15 days after they are claimed. Winners announced 01/07/2021. Local experiences and prizes vary per city.

Hop on board!

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