ملخص التأمين

تختلف بوليصة تأمين Dott باختلاف البلد الذي تركب فيه.
لفهم أفضل للتغطية التي يمكنك التمتع بها وأين,
يرجى التأكد من قراءة ملخص التأمين الخاص بالبلد الذي تركب فيه.

Dott’s insurance policies vary based on the country you are riding in. To better understand what coverage you can get and where, be sure to read the summary of insurance for the country you are riding in.


In Slovakia, while you’re using the Dott’s App, the rental services under your individual rental agreement are provided by TIER Mobility Slovakia s.r.o. (“TIER Mobility”). You can find details about your contractual partner and service providers in the terms and conditions for Slovakia.

TIER Mobility maintains the insurance required to operate the services under local laws. As may be required, TIER Mobility provides third-party liability insurance to cover your liability for accidental physical injury to third parties or accidental damage to the physical property of third parties arising from your use of TIER Mobility vehicles.

For more information on what is covered, please refer to the terms and conditions of TIER Mobility’s insurance policy for Slovakia, listed below. You are advised to read the terms and conditions of the relevant TIER Mobility’s insurance policy, as well as the terms and conditions applicable to the use of our services for Slovakia, given that a failure to comply with these terms may result in the insurer rejecting your claim.

Although the services are provided by TIER Mobility, user support is provided via the Dott App.

If you want to report a claim, contact us via the Dott app or send an email to support@ridedott.com.

TIER Mobility General Third Party Liability Insurance